Sunday, January 14, 2007

A Helping Ham from Victoria's Secret

I never thought I would advertise my happiness about my boobs, but here I am!
I just find it so amazing the difference a good bra can make in your life. Now, I'm not saying this bra has "changed" my life. It doesn't go to work for me, it doesn't do the dishes or clean the toilet. But it does make my shirts, blouses and jackets look waaaaaay better.
Here is a picture of me before my discovery of this amazing bra........................
For some reason I was constantly wearing a green hoodie with a non-sequitur hat.

Now this is what I look like.................................................................................................
You can really notice the difference, can't you?

Look, even with a different top, it still works......................................................................................

And the wonders it does when you're helping them along......................................................................

Now, I just need to find something that will keep me from looking like this every Tuesday week.........


Cornelius T. Fish said...

The boobs are great but that first picture always just kills me.

wonderbug said...

forget the boobs...where do i get me some of those cute ears you have on in the last pic?

elizabeth said...

that made me pee (just a little)

Kat said...

Holy shit I need this bra. Well. It'd help if I had the ladies you do. That's some bra mama!

Krankie MacHightrousers said... should put that last picture on pogs and sell them to unsuspecting nerrrrrrds. Or put it on a t shirt. I'd buy one!

badgerdaddy said...

Great Caesar's Ghost!

Great gagongas, more like.

Erm, I mean, nice bra. Yes.

Melinda said...

Can you please give me the name of your bra dealer. My guy came home tonight and gave me a squeeze so tight that it broke my bra. The stitching in the middle completely tore and let go!

Melinda said...

Not that I am complaining, I do feel loved. But now my boobs sag to my knees.

Anonymous said...

يقدم لك كود خصم ممزولد اقوي منتجات الاطفال و الام منذ لحظة الحمل حتي ما بعد الولاده باقل الاسعار و اقل التكاليف و خصومات لا مثيل لها من خلال كوبون خصم ممزورلد يمكنك شراء اثاث غرف الاطفال و ملابس حديثي الولاده باكبر نسبة خصومات هائلة لا مثيل لها تواصل الان معنا .

noon-coupons said...

لشراء حذاء قيم ذو ماركه مشهوره وجوده وبشكل مميز واللون الذي تتمناه اطلب موقع نون واختار كود خصم نون الذي يمنحك خصم 20% علي حذاء ترغب به حيث ان اسعار الاحذيه من موقع نون الان لامثيل لها حيث جودتها والالوان التي لا تسطيع النساء ايجادها خارج الموقع سارع واطلب كود نون الان واحصل علي العرض